Friday, September 2, 2011

Nostalgia is Fun

Can you tell which one is which? (Hint: one is Alex and one is Troy, around the same age..)

So Troy isn't Left Out....

Here's a comparison of Troy one year ago:

September 2010:

September 2011:

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Alex Has Come So FAR!

A couple weeks ago Alex went to give his dad a high-five, and OPENED HIS LEFTY FINGERS FIRST!!!! This is seriously amazing stuff! The therapists all wanted to see this happen within the first 6 months of his stroke, so to see it happen a full year afterward is just unbelievable! When we told the OT the other day she really pointed out how big a deal that this is - it usually doesn't happen.

I find myself comparing to this time last year so often lately and tearing up. I am just so proud of my little man, and so thankful to God for leaving him here with us. We had a dance party at the end of a movie the other day and I took a quick video of him dancing, swinging his arms. I don't want to post it because he's in his pj's but will show you in private one day if you come over, I promise!

September 13, 2010, at the Glenrose Hospital. He is puffy from the medications and his left eye won't look straight:

June 2011, Posing for Mom and the camera...refusing to look at me
(I think there was a squirrel that was more interesting)

And here he is just a few weeks ago, making a face and just finished playing with neighbourhood kids.

Monday, April 4, 2011

New Adventures for Dad

I've often been quite proud of my 'potty-record' with Alex and Troy. I've never had a mishap - you know, peeing in my face or poo smeared everywhere... until today.

I now have a Poo Story.

I gave Alex a bath this morning, then when he was finished, I had my shower and decided to take Troy in with me - he needed to get the breakfast off. :) After we were done, I saw Alex playing with his tools downstairs and decided to let Troy play in his room while I shaved. I also thought he could use some bare-bum time, so left him without a diaper - he'd just peed in the shower, so I figured I was safe.
As I'm wrapping up my shave, I think, "Boy, Troy sure is playing well - not a peep!" WELL...!

I go in, and there it is - POO! And, it stank! Thankfully, there were only 2 piles and he'd only just discovered one when I got in. But, that first fist full went right to the mouth! AAAAAGGGGHHHH!
I quickly grabbed his hand and ran him back to the bathtub. I turned on the water and just started wiping! All I could figure was get as much of that shit out of his mouth as possible! Then I could take care of the rest on his hands, arm, shoulder, legs and bum.
Of course this whole time Alex wants to help. I'm telling him that he should just go play in his room or downstairs, but of course there's nothing more interesting that Poo!
Once I get Troy hosed down and dressed (while being adamant with Alex not to step in the poo), I toss him into his crib so I can get dressed and deal with the poo smears on the floor. Alex then asks me if he can join Troy in the crib, and I think it's a wonderful idea - keeps both kids out of my way! After using the baby wipes to scoop the crap up, I have to find a way to get rid of the stains...
The in-laws have a steam cleaner - I'll be borrowing that tonight! But, in the mean time, I run down to the basement to get that bottle of Club Soda that's been sitting around since our last tequila binge. It does the trick on the 2 smaller stains (yep, I found another one!), but the bigger spot is still noticeably... discolored.

The boys are now both clean and lunched. Troy hasn't puked, so I'm guessing the small amount of poo that he did injest hasn't caused much harm. He's now sleeping, and I think my stomach has settled enough for me to go eat.

Good times!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Last week Jason took Alex for his third (or fourth?) EEG and another meeting with the neurologist. While Alex once again did not have one of his episodes during the EEG the neurologist did say that they saw some midline activity, whatever that means. The good news is that while Jason and Doc were talking Alex had one of his dizzies right in front of the Doc's nurse. She confirmed that he has been having seizures and the Doc has put Alex on some anti-seizure meds.

I am so thrilled to report that since day two of only HALF the dose of his new meds Alex has not had any more dizzies!!! So for about 9 days now he has not needed any new bandaids on his head!

Thanks to all of you for your support again, we are still working on his left hand which is at about 5-10% functionality. This is just going to take some time.

Hello New Home!

We moved this week and the house is looking better and better (especially when I close my eyes!) Thank you to all of you who pitched in, I think this was the most time pressured move we've ever had and I'm not likely to repeat it!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

March - and another new chapter

At the end of this month we will be moving back to Sherwood Park. I know, Jason said he never would, but we have been thinking about where Alex will be going to school and we believe that the supports just may be better there, so off we go. And they REMOVE the snow there! For all you Edmontonians, you realize how valuable this is, and for all you who have attempted to visit us this winter you realize just how much more amazing it will be for us to live somewhere where visitors will be able to park!

Alex started a new therapy with an organization funded by Alberta Learning back in early February, the woman comes four days a week for 3.5 hours and works one on one with Alex. She even picks him up and takes him to preschool and swimming lessons, following him while he plays and interacts with the other kids, enacting the prescribed actions that the therapists have advised. I asked her about what the other kids think and she said that they just accept that she's there and haven't bugged Alex about it at all; it makes me really grateful that Alex is so young.

We are noticing some improvement with his left hand! He is able to very lightly grab onto something if you place it in his hand and then let it go on command, we are extremely excited about it!

Troy has started crawling and is picking up speed and has also begun to 'furniture walk'. He has also discovered the joys of toilet paper and the mysterious 'water bowl' in the bathroom that he can now reach and splash (yuck!). Needless to say we keep the bathroom door closed now!